Making your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Monday afternoon, in a Parkinson’s exercise class I coach, I asked one question. Did you make a New Year’s resolution?
A few in my class did not. Several people said yes, and many said they make the same resolutions every year. That got me thinking. Perhaps, you’re like me and my class members. You’ll ring in 2022 with the same resolve to lose weight, exercise more and reduce stress. Creating new habits takes time and energy.
Perhaps, you’re like me and my class members. You’ll ring in 2022 with the same resolve to lose weight, exercise more, reduce stress. Creating new habits takes time and energy.
Try these tips to create your dreams for change.
Make a list. Break each resolution into small steps.
Commit yourself. Make a promise to family or friends.
Give yourself a medal. Pat yourself on the back for each success.
Learn from the past. If you hit a snag, pause to consider why.
Give thanks for what you do. Forget perfection
The exercise instructors at Villages of Santa Fe are here to help you achieve your health goals. Please feel free to mention your resolutions with the class. No judgment ever, we’re all in need of better fitness goals. Or share with me. We’ll work on this together. That’s a promise.
Tomorrow will be better.
Sharon Tolleson, Strength and Stretch instructor
Villages of Santa Fe Member