Sheila Doran-Benyon
Mar 28, 2020
A Conversation with Sheila
As I move through these demanding and interesting times, I am learning to experience life in new ways; I am leaving behind my expectations o

Barak Wolff, MPH
Mar 24, 2020
Cooking in the Time of COVID-19 Part 2: Onward Into the Kitchen
If our coronavirus social distancing continues for a while and your ingredients get diminished you might look in the pantry or freezer

Barak Wolff, MPH
Mar 24, 2020
Cooking in the Time of COVID-19
So, here is some “food for thought” in two segments highlighting a few ways to spend some enjoyable hours, often with an immediate payoff at

Ann Church
Mar 23, 2020
Exercise in the Time of COVID-19 by Michelle
Walking is probably the easiest thing you can do. Walk at your own pace but try to walk for at least 20 minutes and longer if you can. To ad

Ann Church
Mar 21, 2020
Grocery Shopping in the Time of COVID-19
With stores limiting the number of customers, shopping just got more difficult. The toilet paper hoarders are stocked up, but lines are...

Ann Church
Mar 20, 2020
Up To Date Information from WHO
When you text "hi" to +41 79 893 1892 over WhatsApp (change the country code from US to Switzerland to get +41), you'll receive back a text

Ann Church
Mar 16, 2020
Mild-Moderate-Serious-Severe or Extreme
What to do if you have symptoms of Covid 19. Only the Department of Health can test for COVID-19. If you think you might have the...

Ann Church
Mar 9, 2020
There is probably no stopping it, but since we are older, this is what you should know and where to find the information: Monitor the DOH...

Ann Church
Mar 8, 2020
We Need You! Call for Volunteers
Friday, April 3, 12:30 – 3:30pm Member Spring Pot Luck Christ Church, corner of Cordova and Don Gaspar. Enter on Cordova Greeters...