We Need You! Call for Volunteers

Friday, April 3, 12:30 – 3:30pm
Member Spring Pot Luck
Christ Church, corner of Cordova and Don Gaspar. Enter on Cordova
Reception – checking in, name tags
Food – setup incoming food, keeping food neat
Passing out handouts
Saturday, May 2nd, 11:30am – 4:30pm
3rd Annual Wildfire Fair
Christ Church parking lot, corner of Cordova and Don Gaspar
Join us at the Wildfire Fair to take positive steps to protect your family and property. Fun for the family, fire trucks, food, Smokey Bear, games, Bouncy House, and giveaways as well as wildfire preparedness demonstrations, and seminars. We will have volunteers from Christ Church, City of Santa Fe Fire Department, AARP, and Albertson’s Market Street, but WE NEED YOU from Villages
Help needed for:
Directing parking
Reception – checking in, name tags
Seminar wranglers (get people into the seminars)