Ann Church
- Jul 16, 2021
Villages Receives Grant from the Community Health Funder Alliance
Villages is a recipient of a grant awarded in the category of Senior Health, by the Community Health Funder Alliance, which consists of...
Maria Francis
- Dec 19, 2020
Building Resilience in an Unpredictable World
When unexpected events turn life upside down, it is the degree to which our resiliency comes into play that creates “make-or-break”...
Sheila Doran-Benyon
- Mar 28, 2020
A Conversation with Sheila
As I move through these demanding and interesting times, I am learning to experience life in new ways; I am leaving behind my expectations o
Ann Church
- Mar 23, 2020
Exercise in the Time of COVID-19 by Michelle
Walking is probably the easiest thing you can do. Walk at your own pace but try to walk for at least 20 minutes and longer if you can. To ad