Cyber Seniors - Love your phone again

Every Thursday, starting September 22nd. 1:30-3:30pm, Santa Fe Prep, Technology Room 21
Ann Church, Ambrose Ferber, Associate Chair, Computer Science, and Santa Fe Prep High School Students
Reservations required, limited slots available ( so you have personal attention)
Individual one-on-one help with you smart phone, laptop, or tablet. Bring your device and questions and you will receive personal assistance in operating your devise. Want to setup automatic phone backups and photo uploads? Learn to text? Use Skype or Viber? Prep students will answer you questions and teach you step by step.
Apple or Andriod. Only portable devices at this time. Slots are limited to the number of students available (5-8). Reservations are limited to one session per semester, but we will maintain a wait list. Cancellations must be made by the Monday, 1pm prior to the Thursday session. Wait-listed members will be called to fill the open slots and are not subject to the one session per semester limitation.
Plan to be at Prep and ready to start at 1:30pm. Park on the Prep campus or directly across the street. Cost? Please bring cookies and brownies to share (you will be the hit of the afternoon).