Medicare: Get to know how it works

Brad Coe, recommended by Village members
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Reservations required, seating limited
Santa Fe Community Foundation
September 27, 2:-3:30pm
Questions about Medicare? Need to review your options? Come join us for a ‘Medicare 101’ type educational presentation with local agent Brad Coe. At the end of this presentation, you will have a clear understanding of your Medicare benefits and the difference and suitability of Medicare Supplement plans, Medicare Advantage plans and Prescription Drug plans. Medicare open enrollment is October 15th – December 7th.
At age 35, through much deliberation, Brad found himself as a new agent for a local insurance agency, heading up their health insurance-division. In 2006, Brad opened his own agency, Coe Insurance Agency, LLC. Through the years, many clients turned 65 and requested assistance with transitioning to Medicare. By assisting these clients, Brad became more experienced and versed in Medicare. His expertise is evident - practically all of his business is by word-of-mouth and recommended by Village members. Brad and his wife, Amanda, work together and have six children, three dogs, one grand-dog and one granddaughter. They enjoy traveling and going on family vacations to Elephant Butte