Balance is B.S.

Balance is B.S., especially this time of year when big goals are put into action and new initiatives are launched. But really, when is balance ever possible? One of the gifts of an ongoing pandemic is the perspective we've gained into the importance of prioritizing time for ourselves, families, and relationships amidst the busyness of life in 2022.
I believe the more effective way to consider balance is to seek balance within ourselves. Are your internal and external lives aligned? This is the first question to consider when searching for balance.
Making meaningful changes in our routine requires intentionality so I would consider this:
Take action and start putting yourself first. Change your practices and change your life - by design
Shatter self-doubt, illusions, & limiting beliefs while becoming intentionally great in your life.
If you're not ready to move forward, decide what you'll let go of. This way, you're releasing anchors on your life and creating momentum in the process.
Have an intention to make 2022 the Best Year of your Life.

Join me for Balance & Beyond, Tuesday & Thursday, 2 pm MT
Maria Francis
Fitness and Mindset Coach
Supporting people to live fuller, healthier lives.