Train for the grandkids – this IS an athletic event!
Grandchildren are a great incentive to keep active, so join our classes now. Keep active, and you will feel fit for action. Then you can enjoy looking after the grandchildren and not feel exhausted at the end of the day.
5 Tips to help you keep up with the grandkids
Go to the park
Many parks offer great places for the grandkids to have fun, but leave the monkey bars to them. The swing is an excellent workout for your chest, arms, upper back, and shoulders. Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other for stability, engage your core muscles, and use both hands to push the swing in a chest press action. Keep it up. You will really feel the workout.
Pick up the kids - Literally
Lifting the little ones up onto the swing or in and out of the car can strain your back. Use the big muscles in your thighs and bottom to squat down rather than bending over before lifting. When you squat, make sure your legs are hip-width apart, and you push your bottom back rather than your knees forward.
Kick a ball
We thought nothing of kicking a ball around when younger, but it might be a challenge because kicking a ball requires balance. You must stand on one leg and kick with the other. To improve your balance, try doing the flamingo by standing on one leg; remember to soften the knee on the supporting leg. You can play this game with the grandchildren and see who can balance for the longest. Just hold onto something for support when you first begin.